4 Different header options available with RealEstaty

RealEstaty - RealEstate WordPress Theme

Most of the RealEstate WordPress themes are not enough to reach user’s mind. There are lots of features or points required to reach out broker or client’s mind. Our team done that thing and we finalized 4 different home page options to fullfill your requirement with Real Estate websites.

Homepage options with RealEstaty

  1. Homepage with Google Map
  2. Homepage with Property Slider
  3. Homepage with Avartan Slider ($12 value slider included with RealEstaty)
  4. Homepage with fixed Property Image

Any of help you required to setup that thing with RealEstaty theme, then feel free to contact us on support.solwininfotech.com.

3 Review

  1. franklcruz franklcruz says:

    Whether you are looking to rent, buy or sell your home. RealEstaty is the best option for you.

    1. Jean Lasper Jean Lasper says:

      Hi Frank,

      I am really happy with RealEstaty theme. There are 4 different home page banner layout options – that’s a nice feature that I never found it before.

  2. Laura Mills Laura Mills says:

    I Really like RealEstaty property theme. It’s important to choose a real estate agent or broker with local expertise to guide you through the process of renting, buying or selling your next home.

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