Category Archives: RealEstate

4 Different header options available with RealEstaty

Most of the RealEstate WordPress themes are not enough to reach user’s mind. There are lots of features or points required to reach out broker or client’s mind. Our team done that thing and we finalized 4 different home page options to fullfill your requirement with Real Estate websites. Homepage options with RealEstaty Homepage with Google Map Homepage with Property Slider Homepage with Avartan Slider ($12 value slider included with RealEstaty) Homepage with fixed Property Image Any of help you required to setup that thing with RealEstaty theme, then feel free to contact us on

Avartan Slider packed with RealEstaty WordPress Theme

We have large scale of Avartan orders and finally Avartan becomes a most popular slider in WordPress directory. Easy and beautiful backend UI, high speed interface with import-export sliders and slides creates great impression on every WordPress users. And so, we decided that we will provide our Avartan Slider plugin support with all our next Premium themes. RealEstaty is our next step in WordPress theme categories. This theme is a complete solution of RealEstate market who want to create city directory websites, showcase of his/her RealEsate agency, etc. We have packed RealEstaty theme with Avartan Slider plugin which is our

Find your Dream Home with RealEstaty

Own Dream Home is everyone’s requirement. But we can’t find it sometimes in our whole life. We should find out some good solutions for that. Search in Google and you can find your dream home within your city area. RealEstaty is a best suitable for RealEstate clients, RealEstate agency and more persons who they are looking for buying, selling or renting a property. Advance Search is one of the best feature that we included with RealEstaty. You can find properties according to property type, bedroom/batroom count, sq. ft area, city area and much more property meta fields we have included.